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Now downloading free:Advantest M5M5256DFP-70LL - 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM

Advantest M5M5256DFP-70LL - 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM free download

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File name:M5M5256DFP-70LL - 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM.pdf
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Model:M5M5256DFP-70LL - 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM 🔎
Original:M5M5256DFP-70LL - 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM 🔎
Descr: Advantest R3131 A-D_Block_PCB_Component_Datasheets M5M5256DFP-70LL - 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM.pdf
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File name M5M5256DFP-70LL - 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM.pdf

RENESAS LSIs M5M5256DFP,VP-55LL,-70LL,-70LLI, -55XL,-70XL 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5256DFP,VP is 262,144-bit CMOS static RAMs PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) organized as 32,768-words by 8-bits which is f abricated using A14 1 28 Vcc high-perf ormance 3 poly silicon CMOS technology . The use of A12 2 27 /W resistiv e load NMOS cells and CMOS periphery results in a high A7 3 26 A13 density and low power static RAM. Stand-by current is small A6 4 25 A8 enough f or battery back-up application. It is ideal f or the memory A5 5 24 A9 sy stems which require simple interf ace. A4 6 23 A11 Especially the M5M5256DVP are packaged in a 28-pin thin small outline package. A3 7 22 /OE A2 8 21 A10 A1 9 20 /S A0 10 19 DQ8 DQ1 11 18 DQ7 FEATURE DQ2 12 17 DQ6 DQ3 13 16 DQ5 Access Oprating Power supply current GND 14 15 DQ4 Ty pe time Temperature Activ e Stand-by (max) (max) (max) Outline 28P2W-C (FP) M5M5256DFP,VP-55LL 55ns 0~70

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